About the Journal

The SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL SCIENCE, HEALTH AND SOCIETY is the organ of scientific dissemination of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Catholic University Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Campus Guaira, Villarrica-Paraguay. The journal is in charge of the Department of Research and Extension and offers 100% open access, with no charges for the editorial process; the average evaluation time lasts 3 to 6 months. Founded in January 2024 with the objective of publishing with standards of excellence, original and unpublished works, of current topics (studies that do not exceed two years prior to publication), generated by national and international professionals in the area of clinical medicine, biomedical research (application of biology and physiology to medicine), dentistry, nursing, nutrition, public health, microbiology, molecular biology, biotechnology in health, and other areas related to health and human sciences. Manuscripts will be thoroughly evaluated by the editorial board for acceptance, having as main criteria the relevance for its impact on the community.


Its periodicity is biannual with an annual volume. The first issue of the journal covers the period January-June and the second July-December. It launches its first issue in the second semester of 2024.

Article receipt period

Reception of articles takes place from January to December.


Spanish - English

Copyright notice

Authors of articles are responsible for obtaining permission to include in their article any material published elsewhere. The magazine declines any responsibility arising there from.

Responsibility for the content of the published articles is the exclusive responsibility of their respective authors, leaving the Editor and/or the Scientific Committee exempt from any type of responsibility.

The SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL SCIENCE, HEALTH AND SOCIETY reserves the copyright and the reproduction of documents in other printed and/or electronic media, in accordance with the promotion of Free Access.


The SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL SCIENCE, HEALTH AND SOCIETY does not charge authors any fee for submission/submission of manuscripts or fees for the publication of articles.


The SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL SCIENCE, HEALTH AND SOCIETY is financed by the Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Campus Guaira, Villarrica-Paraguay.

Copyright notice

All content of this magazine is under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en